Jedi Knight:Dark Forces II Patches


* Make sure you have Patch Commander *


Ultimate Hook                                                                                                                             This replaces the Bryar pistol. It works in primary and secondary fire.
It works in Single Player and Multiplayer. It also looks great if it ya get a look at it from an outside perspective. Created by TegSkywalker.
45 KB
JKBryarGH                                                                                                                                Turns the secondary fire of the Bryar pistol into a grappling hook. It
works in Single Player and Multiplayer. Created by
10 KB
Spork                                                                                                                                         This unfinished mod is a disapointment. I just put this up here so some of you have a place to download it if ya need it. I don't recommend it, but here it is. 2.3 MB
Enhancement Pack v.1.1                                                                                                          Adds a new variety of weapons including the lightstaff and most of the older weapons are enhanced and made more powerful. This new version fixes a fatal error. Currently only works in Single Player. Created by Hideki. 192 KB
Imperial Weapons Patch                                                                                                        Changes all the weapons but the lightsaber, and can be used in Single Player and Muliplayer. I have found a few bugs in Multiplay where you can't kill the other person, but that was benign. Created by Darth Haun. 427 KB
Sonic Weapons Pack                                                                                                                This weapon pack contains some really neat weapons such as flares, repulse grenades, phaser rifle, bazooka, and a few others. This is the beta version only and I hope to add some more weapons to it. Created by Sonic. 91.4 KB
Saber Pack                                                                                                                                 This .zip file includes patches that let you use different colored lightsabers in Single Player, plus it has a cool Luke Skywalker saber. Check this out!! Put together by TegSkywalker. 18 KB
Swarm                                                                                                                                          The swarm missile launcher replaces the concussion rifle. When you want to shoot someone, you press the fire key and a targeting circle appears over the nearest target. Then release the fire key to launch the homing swarm missiles. These missiles are armor piercing and very powerful, but have a small blast radius. Currently works only in Single Player. I will try to fix that. Created by YOD. 7 KB
NeAmmo                                                                                                                                  Never Ending Ammo patch. When you punch, you get a concussion rifle, and after each punch, you keep on getting more power cells. Created by IRN_Darksaber. 3 KB
Lightstaff                                                                                                                                          A two bladed lightsaber that attacks not only once, but twice with each swing. Currently works only in Single Player and in Multiplay, the opponent sees only one. I don't know why. Fun Mod. Created by Hideki. 23 KB
Fly-By Shooting                                                                                                                          You can use raildets instead of your fists....and fly!!! Perfect for killing your enemies!! Created by Ric Brown. 3 KB
Rogue Squadron CTF v.1.1                                                                                                     "You play as the legendary Rogue Squadron with new characters, weapons and force powers! The ultimate Jedi Knight total conversion with an all new cast of characters, powerful new weapons, more useful force powers and more technologically advanced items. version 1.1 was released 6/15/99. 4.66 MB
Boba Fett Ultimate Assassin Pack v2.0                                                                                      This partial TC  improves the Bryar, ST, Bowcaster, and Repeater; as well as making you play as Boba Fett with a working jetpack(replaces fieldlight) and visual enhancements. Be sure to check out the new and improved version 2.0! Created by Jack Glenn.                     64.6 KB
Infiltrate                                                                                                                                     Another popular multiplayer addon. Choose Rebel or Imperial and duke it out
in 3 arenas with new skins and weapons like the Mortar gun. From
2 MB
Infiltrate addon pack                                                                                                                    Five new levels: Ba'gg Varda, Castle in the ravine, Chaos, Infiltrate Warzone and Infilt. Plus it has updated versions of the original levels. From JKGANSTAS. 2.6 MB
Manowars 2
An excellent multiplayer experience. Choose your bounty hunter and have a whole new arsenal of weapons and tools. Created by JKMAG.
2.21 MB
Marilyn Manson vs. Spice Girls                                                                                                 This Conversion features new sounds and skins modeled after the two bands Marilyn Manson and the Spice Girls. Created by Kurgan. 2.85 MB
The Phantom Menace Skinpack version 1.1  
Version 1.1 

This skin pack includes 20 new multiplayer skins from "The Phantom Menace". There are 4 new sabers, and it also includes Darth Maul's double-saber if you select Duel Maul. This is an awesome skin pack!! It comes in GOB form, so get Patch Commander. In version 1.1, Duel Maul's double saber is now fixed so everyone in a multiplayer game can see the double saber. Edited by TegSkywalker. If you still want version 1.0, click HERE.

653 KB
BFP 2 - The most popular skinpack ever!! From JKMAG. It is now available in 2 forms: the installer to Resource and the GOO (patch form) This collection has a total of 89 high quality skins and 31 new sabers.  
1. Original                                                                                                                                    This automatically installs all of the files in the right places in the Resource folder, so there is no need for a patch. This is the most popular version. I recommend this version of BFP2. 7.62 MB
2. GOB                                                                                                                                         This version is in GOB form which means you need to use Patch Commander. Make sure everybody has the patch activated in order for it to work. If ya dont want extra stuff in your resource, and want to remove the skins whenever you want, you can try this. 5.6 MB
Jetpack                                                                                                                                      Adds a jetpack to your arsenal. You must bind the keys in Setup. I currently do not have the author. Works in Single Player and Multiplayer. 55 KB
Smart Dark Jedi                                                                                                                        Makes Dark Jedi tougher and more realistic in Single Player. Much tougher. Give it a try!!
7 KB

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